2015年結成。リーダーTOMOKIの出身地、神田をバンド名に冠し、下町の義理と人情を 和太鼓と共に轟かせるリアルジャパニーズエクスペリメンタルグラインド。
また、ジャカルタのフェス “EVERLOUD”の日本版を定期的に開催。
2019年Obliteration Recordsから現体制初の単独作品"Grind Surgical Shrine" を発売し、
2021年バンドリーダー、トモキがコロナ禍において彼の本業でもある外科医として、医療現場で感じた危機感、病院に送られてきた死体袋、感染の恐怖などを楽曲に向けて吐き出し、制作されたコンセプトアルバム"BLOOD SURGICAL DEATH"を発表した。
後任としてKYOSUKE(Abort Mastication/No One Knows What the Dead Think/Retortion Terror)が加入し、新生KANDARIVASの1st Single"ガラパチ〜鳶と窒素〜"を発表。
ASAKUSA DEATH FEST2021のステージで復活となった。
Formed in 2015 and hailing from Kanda city, the hometown of the band leader Tomoki, KANDARIVAS is an experimental Grind outfit that utilizes traditional Japanese Taiko drums to express the sense of "duty and sentiment" which has defined the cultures of Kanda and Tokyo's downtown area. While performing over 50 gigs a year in their home country, KANDARIVAS has also maintained close ties abroad with Indonesia, a country famous for its extreme music scene, and have already completed five successful tours there.
Furthermore, KANDARIVAS periodically organizes the Japanese edition of Jakarta's extreme music festival "EVERLOUD" in Tokyo, further deepening ties between the two countries' underground scenes.Their various releases have been praised by fans and critics from not only Japan, but all over the world as well.
Their album "Grind Surgical Shrine", which is slated to be released on Obliteration Records started a world tour in 2019.
however tour had stopped the activity by a pandemic of the Covid-19.
During 2021, while Covideo-19 was expanded,
founder band member Tomoki, a real respiratory doctor (general thoracic surgeon) created music under the theme of a sense of crisis that he felt during his time working in the hospital.
"Blood Surgical Death".
This album was created on the frontlines of the medical systems collapse fighting COVID-19. Featuring brand new 13 songs. Recorded at Studio ChaosK.
In *add year* ONOBONE left the band. However stepping up to fill the ranks was KYOSUKE(Abort Mastication/No One Knows What the Dead Think/Retortion Terror) who joined in his place.
Then New KANDARIVAS released "GARAPACHI 〜Kyte & Nitrogen"and came with the bands return to the live underground scene at ASAKUSA DEATHFEST 2021.